Hi, I'm Aishik Nagar.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Engineer

About memy stats

Who am I?

I'm Aishik, a Software Developement Engineer building Healthcare AI and systems at ASUS Intelligent Cloud Services Before this, I did my Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) at Nanyang Technological University. My schooling was from The Heritage School in Kolkata, India.

Most of my time is spent in programming, working on fun projects and solving challenging problems. I have an acute interest in the mesmerizing world of data science, AI and engineering. The wonders which technology can produce never ceases to amaze me.

I'm a huge sucker for sports like badminton, swimming, table tennis, cricket and athletics. In my free time, one can catch me watching comedy shows, drinking coffee and playing board games.


Requests Served
Per Day


Years of






Global Media


Global and
National Awards

Achievements and Activities



Built a mobile application to complement caregiving for dementia patients from scratch. Talked to organizations like Allium healthCare, Jamiyah Nursing home and ADA Singapore to understand their requirements and Engineered a first-of-its-kind scalable software allowing for flow of information and separation of features for patients and their caregivers.



Developed an AI Enabled platform for Natural Disaster Risk Management. Discussed with National Disaster Management Authority of India and the Earth Observatory of Singapore to deploy scalable and groundbreaking AI pipelines for automating Disaster Management Procedures.

World Champion

Google Developer Solution Challenge, 2021

Won the global competition for innovative use of technology and overall impact on society. First ever team from NTU to represent Singapore in the World Finals and win the global competition. Coffee Chat with Mr. Jason Titus, the VP of Developer Product Groups at Google. Presented DementiCare to him and talked about sustainability, Engineering and Education at NTU with him.

Asia Pacific Champion

Microsoft Virtual Hackathon (Ongoing)

Winner of 1st prize as well as the Prize for Best use of Microsoft Azure in one of Asia Pacific's largest Innovation Hackathon, hosted by Microsoft. Selected based on general impressiveness, use of Azure in building sophisticated systems, innovation in AI, buisiness feasibility of the project and impact on society.

National Gold

Singapore Techblazer Awards,2022

The Techblazer Awards is the Nation’s Highest Accolade for Tech Innovation and aims to provide recognition and endorsement to Singapore-based organizations that have exemplified the spirit of innovation in their development of tech products and services, or their use of tech to achieve excellence.

Koh Boon Hwee Scholar's Award

NTU Batch of 2022

Presented the University Scholar's Award Gold Medal by the President of Singapore, Ms Halimah Yacob

The Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award seeks to recognise the accomplishments of our exceptionally talented graduating students, who display strong leadership ability and have demonstrated great potential to contribute to the society. The award also allows the students to honour their nominated teachers (a teacher from their former junior college, polytechnic, or equivalent institution) and university faculty members for their dedication and contributions in inspiring and providing youths with an outstanding holistic education.

NTU EEE Excellence Award

NTU Batch of 2022

Won the Award for overall Excellence and meritorious performance in Academics, Co-Curricular Activites, Entrepreneruial spirit and Leadership during Undergraduate studies.

All India Rank 4

Indian National High School Examinations (ISC Board)

Topped the School and State and secured an AIR 4 in National Board Examinations with a cumulative score of 98.75%. Facilitated by the Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, for outstanding academic performance in these examinations.

Inspire Scholarship

Central Government of India

Recieved grant and scholarship from the Central Government of India for being the top 1% performer in National Examinations. The scholarship applied if I were to do my further studies in Indian National Universities.

Nanyang Science and Engineering Scholar

Nanyang Technological University

Recieved 100% scholarship from Nanyang Technological University, including coverage for living and housing expenses.

Top 3 in Singapore

15K Entrepreneurship Competition

Placed top 3 in the 15K competition, which is a cross university tech entrepreneurship competition organized by MIT Singapore, JA Singapore and NTUitive. Competed with not only undergraduates but also graduates, masters students and full time technopreneurs in the competition. Pitched the product to over 21 Venture Capitalists to win the semi-finals round of the investment game organized by NTUitive. Pitched the product to dignitaries like Mr Ming Ma (President of Grab) to place Top 3 in the competition, winning SGD 7,000 for the exemplary performance.

Global Top 10 Finalist

Grab Hackathon

Placed Top 10 in Grabs Global Hackathon - Grab Hack For Good. Built a solution incorporating Grab technology and vision to solve UN Sustainable Development Goals

Top 3 in Singapore

Google Hackfest Singapore

Developed Geolytics.AI to solve UN Sustainable Development Goals and pitched the application to Google Developer Experts. Placed Top 3 in the Cross University Innovation Competition held in the Google Office, Singapore.

Outstanding Student Personality

The Heritage School, Batch of 2018

Won the Outstanding Student Personality Award for the batch of 2018 in High school for overall excellence in Academics, Extra-Curriculars and Leadership abilities. The Award included a Nomination as well as a school wide voting round. Facilitated with the award by the Governor of West Bengal, India, Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi.

Top 7

EnlighteNUS Hackathon

Top 7 Finalist in the EnlighteNUS Hackathon held at NUS. Developed an AI powered hack in the Education themed competition for allowing students to find the "Science" behind everyday objects using Computer Vision, NLP and Cloud Technologies.


iNTUition v7.0

In University, I chaired iNTUition, which is NTU's flagship hackathon. I managed the finance, logistics, business and operations departments for the entire event, which had to completely revamped to cope with the unique Covid-19 situation. Apart from developing and maintaining the iNTUition v7.0 official website, I also Developed and deployed an avatar-based virtual platform for the online event using Go, Angular, Redis and AWS. Additionally, I also built an Event Registration System with SSO functionality using Angular.js, MongoDB and Heroku. Using the platforms and technologies we had developed for the event, we brought in record sponsors with companies such as SAP, HP, Bigo, GovTech, IEEE and many others involved in the event, as well as took the event international for the first time. Over 500 participants from all over South East Asia participated in the event!

Student Leadership

Nanyang Technological University

I led the Technical Department of IEEE NTU Student branch for over 2 years and was a Trainer and Developer at the Garage@EEE club in School of EEE,NTU. In my final year, I was involved with Google Developer Student Club NTU as an events director where I helped enable students to create impactful products using Google Technologies.

Student Leadership

The Heritage School

In High School, I was the School Vice Captain in my final year, where I led the School Student Council (Having over 300 representative members) in organizing events and making decisions. Was part of the Core Committee and the Head of Executive for "Youthopia", the largest student organized fest in the state.

My PortfolioMy Work

My Skills



Data Science


Machine Learning and AI


Computer Vision


Natural Language Processing


Software Development








Google Cloud Platform + FireBase


Microsoft Azure


Amazon Web Services


C, C++, C#


JavaScript Frameworks




Robot Operating System






My Experience

2018 - 2022

Bachelor of Engineering - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Nanayang Science and Engineering Scholar

Specialization in Data intelligence and Software Engineering

EEE Excellence Award Recipient

President's Research Scholar

Dec, 2022 - Present

Software Developement Engineer - ASUS Intelligent Cloud Services

Backend and AI Engineer building Healthcare systems at AICS.

Jul, 2022 - Nov, 2022

Algorithm Engineer - Shopee, Singapore

Algorithm Engineer at Marketplace Intelligence and Data Division of the Data Science Department at Shopee HQ

Person In Charge of IC Anti Spoofing Projects for Shopee Malaysia. Designed and developed the API for Identity Verification in ShopeePay and SeaMoney

Developed techniques which improved data mining efficiency in unlabeled datasets from 10% to over 40%.

Implemented CNN architecture agnostic techniques such as RSG and LDAM-DRW to train Deep Learning models from heavily imbalanced datasets which improved the performance of the API models from 10% to over 90%

Applied CNN Condensing algorithms using PDE constraints which reduced storage and computation costs by over 60%

2016 - 2017

High School - The Heritage School, Kolkata

All India Rank 4 in Indian National Board Examinations (ISC)

Cumulative Score of 98.75%

School Topper

Awarded 'Outstanding Student Personality' upon graduation

School Vice Captain and leader of the school student council

Head of Executive for 'Youthopia', the largest student organized fest of the state.

2021 - 2022

Research Intern - A*STAR Singapore

Worked in the Institute of Informatics Research (Visual Intelligence Department)

Built a 3D simulation environment based on iGibson to generate training data for 3D Deep Learning.

Worked on Object Detection and Human Segmentation Projects


Industry Project - Aptiv Automobiles

Worked on the nuScenes Dataset for autonomous vehicles

Worked on object detection using 3D point cloud and 2d rgb data

Explored multimodal models for route prediction

Mentored by Industry experts and researchers from NTU

2017 - present

Data Science Intern - Shopee,Singapore

Used and improved on state-of-the-art deep learning models like yolo v5 for training and developing a custom general object detector service

Developed a deployment pipeline for Shopee's general detector service for both Pytorch and Onnx frameworks. Employed optimization techniques which increased efficiency by over 10 times from the previous version.

The detector service is live on the Shopee platform and serving over 100 million requests per day and set to be adopted for major features such as Image Search.

Worked on Salient Object Detection and Image Segmentation and Image Segmentation using SOTA Deep Learning models U2Net and F3Net.

Performed algorithmic imporvements on the model along with extensive image processing to develop the latest product segmentation service in Shopee.

Developed the backend deployment and inference pipeline for the service, which is now live at Shopee.


Technical Director - IEEE NTU Student Branch

As the Ex-co member, organized workshops and bootcamps on topics like Data Science and web development

Developed the IEEE website

Introduced and supervised organizational reforms and events such as IEEE Techathlon and developing long-term projects.


Image Processing and 3D Intern - Panasonic R&D Centre,Singapore

Worked on perception AI for autonomous vehicles

Used deep learning, ROS, image processing, computer vision, python, C++ and camera imaging theory

Researched and implemented State-of-the-art AI Models for Face Detection, 3D+2D object detection, Parameterized t-SNE and statistical analysis among others to build an end-to-end software which was shipped to the clients.

Wrote scripts for visualizing 3D detection results on 2D image and in birds-eye view, reprojecting data to ego-vehicle perspective, along with integration in ROS

Worked with different types of sensors like LIDAR, pinhole, fisheye and GPS

Worked on data collection, processing, analysis, modelling and inferencing.


Trained and Developer - Garage@EEE,NTU

Organized workshops on topics like web development.

Developed the Garage@EEE website


Chairperson - iNTUition v7.0, NTU

Organized NTU's flagship hackathon

Managed and supervised Tech, Logistics, Liaison, Business and Finance departments

Developed and maintained iNTUition v7.0 official website

Developed and deployed an avatar-based virtual platform for the online event using Go, Angular, Redis and AWS. The platform was used by over 500 participants and companies like SAP, HP, Bigo, GovTech, IEEE and many others throughout the event

Developed and deployed an Event Registration System with SSO functionality using Angular.js, MongoDB and Heroku


President's Research Scholar - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Worked on hyper-parameter optimization of error-correcting neural networks

Research focused on making neural networks robust to adversarial attacks using keras.

My Projects

Here are some of my selected projects. Check out my github to see all my projects! :D


An AI Enabled Risk Management Platform

Top 3 in Google Hackfest Singapore!

Finalist in Microsoft APAC Virtual Hackathon!


A cross platform mobile app made to complement Dementia Caregiving.

World Champion, Google Developer Solution Challenge

National Gold Award, Techblazer Singapore

Top 3, 15K Entrepreneurship Competition Signapore

Project Celebi

A one stop platform for incentivising communities to improve local sustainability through gamification, information and collaboration.

iNTUition v7.0

The official website of iNTUition v7.0, NTU's flagship hackathon

iNTUition Virtual Playground

A club penguin and minecraft inspired avatar based virtual playground used during iNTUition v7.0


A mobile app to record and remember travel experiences


The one stop solution to anything and everything related to Social Good


An RL Agent which playes the CartPole game using policy gradients


A flask web app with art style-transfer, image editing and object detection functinality


A real-time chat room for all the Pokemon fans!


A virtual reality escape room game


A minimalistic clone+scraper of craigslist, built in Django

Pong Browser AI

An AI agent which learns how to play while competing against the user, built in tensorflow.js

Edu Pic

A flask web app which detects objects and relays the science behind them.

Top 7 in enlighteNUS Hackathon!

Media CoveragePublicity Blogs

DementiCare Google Solutions Challenge Live Demo

Live Demo for Google's Solution Challenge, in which I emerged a winner. The video was seen live by thousands across the world and has over 45 thousand views as of now.

Featured on Google Developers Blog Post

Google Developers Blog Post covers emerging and talented developers across the world, who are using Google Technologies to make a change.

Feature on NTU Website

Nanayang Technological University coverage for my achievements and accolades.Check out their instagram coverage on my project by clicking here

Google Developers Linkedin Mention

Google Linkedin mentioning my achievements in Google Developer Solutions Challenge

Google Singapore Coverage

Google Singapore and Google Startup Ecosystem Coverage on LinkedIn for winning Solution Challenge

Google La Kopi Talk

Organized by Google, La Kopi @ Developers Space is a monthly open mic night for the developer community to learn, connect, and be inspired by each other. I spoke on Flutter and Firebase for Android App Development, which was streamed live on Youtube and viewed by hundreds of developers across South East Asia.

Features on Google Students Socials(Twitter and Facebook)

Google Students Official Handle Feature for winning Solution Challenge and building DementiCare. Find their Twitter Post by clicking here.

APAC Winner of Microsoft Hackathon - Microsoft Coverage

Won the 1st Prize as well as the Prize for the Best use of Azure in the Microsoft Hackathon. Find their Winner Listing by clicking here.

APAC Winner of Microsoft Hackathon - NTU Coverage

NTU EEE media coverage for winning the 1st Prize as well as the Prize for the Best use of Azure in the Microsoft Hackathon. Find their Instagram post by by clicking here.. NTU main account also covered the win on their LinkedIn, which can be found here, as well as Twitter, which can be found here

SGTech Techblazer Website

Featured on the Techblazer website for winning the Gold Prize in Singapore's National Tech Award in 2021. TechBlazer Awards were organized by SGTech, Singapore's National organization for tech development, and IMDA Singapore. Find the media coverage for the awards on Facebook by clicking here for SGTech Coverage, clicking here for TechBlazer Award Coverage and for SGTech 123Jump Start Startup Organization coverage. The Linkedin Coverage can be found by clicking here and here.

Straits Times Feature

Featured on Straits Times Global Section for Winning the Gold Award for Techblazer Awards Singapore.

CNA Radio Coverage

CNA FM Radio covered my development of DementiCare and win in TechBlazer Awards.

Biz360.TV News Coverage

News coverage for Techblazer Winners on Biz360 Channel.

8World News Article on Techblazer win

8world Delivers Chinese news article on my win in Techblazer Awards for DementiCare.

NTU Koh Boon Hwee Scholar's Award Winner

Featured on the NTU socials for being the Winner of the Koh Boon Hwee Scholar's Awards (University Scholar's Award). Also featured on their official website, which can be found here,NTU LinkedIn, as well as NTU EEE instagram.

Google Hackfest Top 3

Featured on the NTU socials for being the Top 3 in Google Hackfest, Singapore.

NTU SCSE Features on Socials

Featured on the NTU School of Computer Science and Engineering for Winning the Microsoft Hackathon.

NTU Socials for Google Developer Solution Challenge

NTU coverage on their website and social media for being the first ever team from Singapore to reach the World Finals and win the Google Developer Solution Challenge. Find their instagram post by clicking here

NTU Socials for Tech Innovation

Featured on NTU Instagram page to attract and inspire students to innovate@NTU

Grab HackForGood Finalist Mention

Feature on Grab Hack for good competition website as a Global Top 10 Finalist.

NTU Socials for Techblazer Awards

NTU coverage on their website and social media for winning the Gold Award in Techblazer Awards.Find their Instagram post covering this by clicking here

NTU Coverage for Google Hackfest

NTU coverage on their website and social media for coming Top 3 in Google HackFest.Find their Instagram post covering this by clicking here and the LinkedIn post by clicking here

15K Entrepreneurship competition Top 3

Media coverage for placing top 3 in the 15K Entrepreneurship Competition, Singapore. Find the related Facebook post by NTUitive by clicking here and the Tweet by Official NTU account by clicking here . Their Instagram post can also be found by clicking here .

iNTUition v7.0 Keynote and Presentations

I chaired the iNTUition v7.0 Hackathon, where I led the diferent departments and over 45 student volunteers for the overall working of the hackathon. My closing keynote of the hackathon is shown here.

Contact MeContact

Contact me here

Hit me up to play some games, discuss interesting topics or to buy me coffee!


: Singapore


: aishiknagar@gmail.com


: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


: English, Hindi, Some degree of local Indian Dialects